Android studio + Visual Studio Code (For Flutter)

Let's Setup Android Studio + Visual Studio Code.

(*This guide is only for windows users*)

Android studio img

"Mr. Buzzack Say's.😊"

Before setting up Android Studio and Vscode, Please read the previous blog on Setting up flutter!

Now! readers, You might be having Questions. Why we are Installing Vscode as IDE, Don't we have an Android studio for that?

# So before installation let me make it clear why we are doing these?

Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android app development, based on IntelliJ IDEA (that's what google says). And Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor that runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

But why do we need Vscode as IDE when we have Android Studio For that, Well it's not that difficult to understand. It's pretty straight forward; Android studio is heavier then the Visual studio code So if you don't have beefed up hardware( like 8GB+ ram and better cpu ) you better stick with Vscode.

# Now you might be asking  'Hey Buzzack' "Why to Install Android Studio?"

1. Flutter relies on a full installation of Android Studio to supply its Android platform dependencies, so that we have to install android studio.

 2. Android studio has lots of tools ( for eg: AVD ) Which will be helpful for us while making an application. Okay now without wasting any more of your time, Let's get started for real.

1. Install Android Studio, While Sipping a Cup of Coffee. 

1. Download latest version of Android studio from the official website or click here.

2.  Open the android studio software which you have downloaded.

Android studio

3.  Click on Next > , Check the box showing android virtual device; As it is important for running your code.

Path variables img

4. Install all the SDK tools android studio recommends you, i.e total of 5-6 tools. 

SDK img

5. Once installation is done start the android studio. 

6. After installation of all the SDK tools, Click on configure and go to SDK manager, here you can check all the installed SDK Tools.
Now copy the Android SDK Location.


 7. Open the System environment variables, click on Add new Variable. Were you have to put Variable name as " ANDROID_SDK_ROOT ", And for 'Variable value' part paste android sdk location which you have copied. 

8. Hope you have drank all of your coffee, Because we have  finished Installing Android Studio and we also connected it with Flutter. 

9. To check if it's working or not open command prompt and type "flutter doctor"(This command will help you to check the information about the installed tooling.)  

CMD img

2. Installing Visual Studio Code

1. Download Visual Studio Code from official website or click here

2.  Just click on Next -Next and it will be Installed in no time. 

3. After Downloading Visual Studio Code open it, and go to extension and install Flutter & Dart extension. 

4. Kudos! we are done with Installation Steps.

Visual studio code

Now you might be thinking why we have installed plugins and connected android studio with flutter ?

for all of that and more I'll be posting it on next blog. 

In the next blog it will all make sense... so until then

....... Keep patience and Peace Out ✌.......

Thank you for Reading ! 😇.

To be continued.........

" Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. " Jean-Jacques Rousseau


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